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Aarti Limaye

Bouncing Back

We all have failed some time or the other right ? The most success people in the world have

had massive failures. N that was the greatest influence in accelerating their success.

I had the opportunity to attend a power packed Tony Robbins live program in Singapore a

couple of years back. He definitely had a way to elevate me to the next level. He calls it Peak


Tony says “Identify your problems, but give your power & energy to solutions.”

He also says “Life changes the moment you make a new , committed decision “

I think ,failure is just a prespective . It’s the End, if u choose to see it that way. We have the

power to choose right. We cant control events around us . But certainly we can choose what

to Focus on. We can choose what these events mean to us and how we react to it.

Its very important to shift our focus correctly. And bounce back from negative events and

thoughts in your life. Embracing who you are is so very important.

Can failure really set you up for success ? Yes certainly. Whenever you want to change

something, the first place to prove it is to your mind, emotional state. To yourself.

If you do something from an exhausted state , from frustrated state or weak state, your

actions are weak.

I follow this 3 step formula Tony taught us.

1. Think about 3 happiest moments in your life.

2. Live those moments and give a pat on your back.

3. Celebrate the happiest moment as if its happening right now . Make the MOVE to

get into a peak state.

The key is to Energise yourself to a positive state. Get charged. It takes just 10 minutes to

bounce back. I have been using this technique every single time I feel down or negative.

Just try it. It works.

miGenie has emotional healing techniques to bounce back to your peak state. Our team of

mentors and coaches will guide you thru this step by step.

Connect with us at

Aarti Limaye

Co-Founder & COO

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